

Adequate laboratory space must be made available. As a guideline, there should be approximately 150 to 200 square feet per person, regardless of tests. There should be approximately 15 linear feet of usable bench space including a sink with hot and cold water taps.

Raw and post-settling water taps should be provided in the lab area for quality control monitoring.

Sufficient electrical outlets must be provided for operating the lab equipment.

The lab must be well lighted and in a room separate from the rest of the plant.

All glassware purchased for lab use should be Pyrex or Kimex type glass. This type of glass is more resistant to damage by heat, chemicals and abuse than is regular soft glass. All volumetric glassware should be marked “Class A”, denoting that it meets federal specifications for volumetric glassware and need not be calibrated before use.

This list includes only the MINIMUM equipment needed to properly operate a water treatment plant. Every plant is different and yours may need additional items. However, before purchasing large quantities of unknown lab equipment (as in a new plant) contact your state Department of Health or Rural Water Association to determine whether or not you are getting what you need, nothing more, nothing less.

Because of the difference in suppliers, specific reagents are not listed. The manufacturer of your lab equipment will provide you with the reagents compatible with their products.